Blue Lock
Gotcha For Gaza

The Donation Period has started!!
Event Dates are from
May 19th - May 25th

The Blue Lock Gotcha for Gaza is a fundraising event, with the goal to raise money to support the people of Palestine and help bring add to those in Gaza!The way it works:
This event is run by volunteer artists and writers who fulfill prompts sent by those who have donated to Care For Gaza, or other GoFundMes. The donator sends a screenshot of proof of donation, and our volunteers will sketch or write for your prompt.

SFW Donations are $5 USD per prompt while NSFW are $8 USD.

Donation Info

The donations we accept are only to CareForGaza and other Go Fund Mes listed below.
Be sure to download or screenshot proof of donation as our way to verify.
While the minimum is $5 for sfw and $8 for nsfw prompts, you can donate as much as you want for as many prompts you want. The prompts will be distributed randomly to volunteers.
When filling prompts, please be aware of proper tags and trigger warnings. In the case a prompt can’t be filled, don’t worry, we’ll reach out to get a different one. Minors are not allowed to request nsfw or dead-dove content regardless of donation size.


Q: What are the expectations of artist and writers?
A: While artists and writers are welcome to do more at their discretion, we only expect 1k fics for writers and a sketch for artists. Fic threads are accepted too, but volunteers don’t have to make 500 page epics or oil paintings.
Q: How much do we pay if we don’t use USD?
A: Since we are using USD as the primary currency unit, donators who use other currencies use conversion.
As of April 2024, 5 USD= 4.68 Euros= 4 Pounds= 7.71 AUD
Q: What kind of prompts can be submitted?
A: Minors, please do not request nsfw or dead dove prompts. Anyone over 18 can request anything, though within reason. When making a dead dove prompt or one with trigger warning, please tag said prompt accordingly. We reserve the right to ask for a change in prompt if none can fulfill it.